這次去跟以前不一樣的是我們採全自助的方式旅行。這全要感謝sme English 的幫助,在兩個月內使我旅途中可以沒有障礙的跟當地人用英文溝通。
從買機票開始到訂飯店,中間還發生了飯店無熱水而被迫在當地再找飯店的意外。 種種事件就在溝通與協調中有驚無險的度過了。
Because we have holiday in August, my friends and I decided to visit boracay island, which is famous of the beautiful white beach.
Actually it's my third time to visit this charming island. Boracay always has amazing attraction to me and makes me keep visit the island. Each time it brought me different amazing feeling.
To contract with my travel before, the difference in this time is that we totally count on ourselves but not agency or travel group.
I'm appreciated of sme English 's teaching during these two months, I can have conversations with Filipino in English without obstacle in my trip. From booking airline tickets and hotel, even there's accident that the hotel has no hot water, after our conversation and balance with each other we finally pass trought these things.
Fortunately, we even met a nice local guide. He provides preferential price of sea-activity. He also keep us company to solve our problems. We were all thankful for his help.
宿霧英語學校SMEAG同學 Lulu 的讀後感想